Database Collections
This page documents the collections (tables) that Tworld manages in MongoDB.
General server configuration and miscellaneous values.
- _id
- key (indexed)
- val (ad-hoc format)
keys are...
- dbversion: 6 (for this description)
- playerfields: contains {desc, pronoun} copied to new *players
- globalscopeid: scid of the single global scope (from *scopes)
- startworldid: wid of the starting (solo) world (from *worlds)
- startworldloc: loc key of start location in startworld
- firstportal: {wid, scid, locid} for a player's first portlist entry (if absent, startworld is used)
- noregistration: if true, player registration is not allowed
- nologin: if true, player login is not allowed (except for admin accounts)
- lastactive: the timestamp of the last time the tworld server was known to be running
Server text customization. This is where we replace the generic Tworld text with Myst-specific flavor. This table also supports internationalization, although Seltani does not have any yet.
- _id
- key
- lang (None for all-language default)
- client (optional, True if relayed to client)
- val
- (no indexes, because we're going to load this stuff up at launch time) (but logically, it's a compound index on key, lang)
Web sessions. When a player signs in on the web site, they get a ten-day cookie which matches the sessionid. (Refreshed weekly as long as they're connected to the game.)
- _id
- sid: session id (generated by create_session()) (indexed, unique)
- uid: _id from *players
- email: from *players
- name: from *players
- ipaddr: request.remote_ip
- starttime: time signed in
- refreshtime: time that cookie was last refreshed
- guest: True if this is a guest account (optional)
Player account records.
- _id: uid
- email: fixed at signup time (indexed, unique)
- name: changeable by player (indexed, unique)
- namekey: sluggified name (indexed; not unique, although we try to keep it unique)
- admin: True for the admin (optional)
- build: True if the player has build permission (optional)
- askbuild: True if the player can request build permission via web form (optional)
- guest: True if this is a guest account (optional) (indexed, sparse index)
- guestsession: id from *sessions, if the guest account is logged in (optional)
- pwsalt: added to password before hashing (generated by create_player())
- password: hash of "pwsalt:password"
- createtime: time signed up
- scid: personal scope in *scopes
- plistid: personal portlist (booklet) in *portlists
- desc: as: (name is...) "an ordinary explorer."
- pronoun: "he", "she", "it", "they", "name"
Current location of each player.
- _id: uid (same as *players)
- iid: _id from *instances
- locid: _id from *locations
- focus: symbol name or None
- lastmoved: timestamp of last locale or world (not focus) change (optional)
- lastlocid: locid of location moved from, or null if ported in (optional)
- portto: { wid, scid, locid } (only present during porting, otherwise None)
- (compound index on iid, locid) (nonunique)
Player UI preferences.
- _id
- uid (indexed, not unique; used for aggregation for play.html template)
- key
- val (ad-hoc format)
- (compound index on uid, key) (unique)
Password recovery requests ("I forgot my password").
- _id: uid (same as *players)
- key: random string (for URL) (indexed, unique)
- createtime: time requested
Master records for worlds.
- _id: wid
- creator: uid (_id of player who built it)
- name: as "Old District" (not necessarily unique!)
- createtime: time created
- copyable: bool
- instancing: "solo", "shared", "standard"
Locations within a world.
- _id: locid
- wid: _id from *worlds
- key: py-key-compatible (as "ferry_dock") (must not be empty!)
- name: as "Ferry Dock"
- (compound index on wid, key) (unique)
Scopes (one global; one per player; eventually group scopes as well).
- _id: scid
- type: "pers", "glob", "grp"
- group: name of group (only present for "grp") (not necessarily unique!)
- uid: player of personal (only present for "pers")
A player defaults to visitor for most scopes.
- _id
- uid: player
- scid: scope
- level: 0 (banned), 1 (visitor), 2 (member), 3 (owner), 4 (founder)
- (compound index on uid, scid) (unique)
Instances of a world.
- _id: iid
- wid: world
- scid: scope
- minaccess: minimum (scope) access level to enter (optional, defaults to visitor)
- lastawake: None/absent if the instance has never been awake; True if it is currently awake; or a timestamp of the last time it slept
- (compound index on wid, scid) (unique)
Definitions of world-location properties. (As defined by the creator.)
- _id
- wid: _id from *worlds
- locid: _id from *locations, or null for realm-wide
- key (py-key-compatible)
- val: ...
- (compound index on wid, locid, key) (unique)
Instance values of location properties. Only exist if changed from the world def.
- _id
- iid: _id from *instances
- locid: _id from *locations, or null for realm-wide
- key (py-key-compatible)
- val: ...
- (compound index on iid, locid, key) (unique)
Definitions of world-player properties.
- _id
- wid: _id from *worlds
- uid: _id from *players, or null for all-players
- key (py-key-compatible)
- val: ...
- (compound index on wid, uid, key) (unique)
Instance values of player properties.
- _id
- iid: _id from *instances
- uid: _id from *players, or null for all-players
- key (py-key-compatible)
- val: ...
- (compound index on iid, uid, key) (unique)
Discarded (world) properties. Kept for 24 hours.
- _id
- wid: _id from *worlds (indexed)
- changed: date added (indexed)
- origtype: 'worldprop' or 'wplayerprop'
- locid: _id from *locations, or null for realm-wide (only for 'worldprop')
- uid: _id from *players, or null for all-players (only for 'wplayerprop')
- key (py-key-compatible)
- val: ...
One for each player (the booklet); one for each bookshelf built in a world.
- _id: plistid
- type: "pers", "world"
- uid: player owning this portlist (optional, only if personal)
- wid: world containing this portlist (optional, only if world) (sparse index)
- external: bool (optional; true if this portlist permits portal URLs)
- key: (py-key-compatible) (optional, only if world)
Every portal (linking book) is contained in a portlist (booklet or bookshelf).
- _id: portid
- plistid: portlist that the portal is in
- iid: instance of portlist (will be None for world portals, personal portals) (must be an instance of the portlist's inwid for instance portals)
- listpos: float (may be negative!) (optional, default 0)
- preferred: bool (optional, only if in a player's portlist)
- wid: world that the portal goes to
- scid: scope that the portal goes to (or strings 'personal', 'global', 'same')
- locid: location that the portal goes to
- (compound index on plistid, iid)