Avatar Customization

From Seltanikor
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I had issues figuring out how to get the avatar customization window working in Tworld, so I am going to document how to do it.

It's actually pretty simple but, as it's not documented, it can be difficult to figure out.

desc (Text):

 You [consider your ||appearance].

appearance (Value):

   "type" : "selfdesc", 
   "text" : "You consider your appearance." 

After entering the value and saving it, it will automatically change the drop-down menu to be blank and fill in the text field with the "text" value. It is not broken. It will work when you click the "consider your appearance" link. However, if you want to make changes to the text, it will not work unless you re-enter the Python dictionary into the Value field. Otherwise, it will tell you it can't find the SelfDesc type.

"text" will be the text that appears at the top of the customization window. The rest of it is automatically set by Tworld.